Dong Folk Music—
People and Nature in Harmony (1-CD+1-DVD set)
人与自然的和声( 1-CD+1-DVD 集)
Price 价格 : USD20/ HKD150/ RMB150
Miao Folk Music—
People and Nature in Harmony (2-CD set)
人与自然的和声(双 CD 集)
Price 价格 : USD25/ HKD200/ RMB200
The Ming Fort—
Longli Fort Eco-museum (photo book)
Price 价格 : USD20/ HKD150/ RMB150
Purchase 购买:

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person and recipient, delivery address, quantity and
contact telephone number. We'll contact you as soon as
we received your email and inform you on delivery cost and payment methods. Thank you for your patronage.
如欲购买上述CD或画册,请发送电邮至,列明联系人和收货人姓名,送货地址,數量和联络电话, 我们会即时与您联系,说明发货安排和付款办法. 谢谢您的支持。